Follow-up activities regarding other countries
Sri Lanka
GHR remains committed in strengthening the capacity of Sri Lankan human rights NGOs and coalitions. GHR was actively involved in the Hague Consultation (2008) and conducted training Courses on the spot.
In 2015, GHR actively participated in NGOs efforts to obtain a clear decision from the UN Human Rights Council to seriously address the massive human rights abuses committed in the past. A special focus of GHR was the fate of thousands of enforced disappeared. On 13 March, GHR intervened during the side-event of Amnesty on Sri Lanka to raise this facet of the problem. The case of Sri Lanka was also presented during each Geneva Course.
Having been instrumental in the preparation of The Hague Consultation (January 2008), GHR hosted from 19 to 21 March 2012 a new meeting of the Sri Lanka consultation. This consultation was prepared by Theo Rathgeber. A dozen of agencies from Germany, Netherlands, England and Geneva attended, together with several victims and witnesses from Sri Lanka. GHR presented proposals for new strategies to raise the issues of violations and accountability. On 19 March, the Group organized a side event on the situation in Sri Lanka, focusing on the need to deal with the past.
(West) Papua
In 2015, GHR continued to support international efforts to sensitize the opinion on the Indonesian repression in Papua. It provided orientation and strategic advice to the ICP, the International Consultation on Papua, in which both Edward Flynn (Geneva Representative of Vivat International and GHR member) and Adrien-Claude Zoller participate.
Together with Franciscans International, Edward Flynn was instrumental in the preparation and submission of several communications to the UN special procedures. During the 30thsession of the HR-Council, the World Council of Churches welcomed the Papuan delegates present in a reception (16 September 2015).
GHR attended the ICP Coordination Board (May in Brussels, November in Wuppertal) and Assembly (May in Brussels). Adrien-Claude Zoller chaired the Conference on Papua at the European Parliament, which took place on the occasion of the ICP Assembly (5 May). GHR also joined several NGOs side-events on Papua.
With our Colombian trainee (GSC-27), and in our meeting with Gustavo Gallon, the Director of our main partner, the Colombian Commission of Jurists (7 June), we further discussed the forthcoming GHR Course in Colombia. Specific funding is needed to realize this plan.
Sri Lanka
Having been instrumental in the preparation of The Hague Consultation (January 2008), GHR hosted from 19 to 21 March 2012 a new meeting of the Sri Lanka consultation. This consultation was prepared by Theo Rathgeber. A dozen of agencies from Germany, Netherlands, England and Geneva attended, together with several victims and witnesses from Sri Lanka. GHR presented proposals for new strategies to raise the issues of violations and accountability. On 19 March, the Group organized a side event on the situation in Sri Lanka, focusing on the need to deal with the past.
In 2012, GHR welcomed its 4th trainee from the Terai, in the South of Nepal, where GHR is involved in a training programme for young partners on tools of transitional justice and on the elaboration of public policies to deal with the past and implement human rights. We prepared the next Course in the Terai with this trainee.
We met former trainees from the Philippines during the UPR review of this country (May). In September 2012, it was decided to prepare jointly In-Country Training with the Filipino defenders having participated in the Geneva Courses. During these courses on the spot, our former trainees will be resource persons.
Eastern Congo (DRC)
In June and September 2012, defenders from Congo-DRC came to Geneva for the Geneva Courses. They were from Kivu. In June, GHRsubmitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on summary executions a communication prepared by a Congolese participant in the Geneva Course about the killings occurring the East of the DRC. One week later, the Rapporteur sent an urgent appeal and the High Commissioner made a strong public statement. Their stay in Geneva enabled them to better understand how to work with UN procedures, with follow-up documentation on the situation, and to inform the Geneva community on the massacres committed by both the Congolese forces and the Movement M-23. Lines of communications with Geneva-based NGOs improved.
Women’s Programme – India
The Indian Government took the unprecedented step to issue a permanent invitation to the thematic procedures (end 2011). However, the recommendations of the two Special Rapporteurs who visited India (human rights defenders and summary executions) led to negative Governmental reactions. The mendacious allegations by certain Indian groups, that the Rapporteurs would have visited certain regions/States (which they did not visit, e.g. Manipur), did not improve this climate. Moreover, strong restrictive measures were also taken against many human rights organizations, preventing them to receive foreign funding.
After the disappointing outcome of India’s UPR review, Women in Governance(WinG) decided to organize during the 21st session of the HR-Council a side-event on violence against women in India. GHRfacilitated its preparation and provided advice and orientation. The event took place on 12 September. It was animated by four former trainees in the Geneva Course and by participants in GHR Courses in North-East India.