Programme of the Expert Seminar – ‘Indigenous Peoples: free, prior and informed consent’
Friday 13 July 2018, 10:00 – 12:00
Palais des Nations, Room XXIV
Both the UN Declaration and the Outcome Document of the 2014 World Conference will constitute the basis for the deliberations of the Expert Seminar. Furthermore, GHR prepared a 10-page background paper analyzing the mechanisms and procedures regarding indigenous papers, as created by the UN Commission on Human Rights and Human Rights Council, the main provisions of the UN Declarations, the Outcome of the World Conference, and the follow-up to the September 2016 decisions of the HR-Council to strengthen the EMRIP.
As the theme of the Seminar focuses on one aspect of implementation, namely the rule of free, prior and informed consent, the Seminar will start with OHCHR Indigenous Fellows exposing the challenges they are confronted with in their country.
2018-07-13 UN EMRIP 11th – Expert Seminar – ‘Indigenous Peoples: Free, Prior and Informed Consent’
‘Indigenous Peoples: free, prior and informed consent’ (13 July 2018).
Background Paper on the UN and Indigenous Peoples available upon request by mail :