As a training organisation in international human rights law, Geneva for Human Rights (GHR) conducts courses both in Geneva and in the regions on the UN human rights mechanisms and procedures.
During the 40th session of the HR-Council, GHR conducts its Geneva Course for defenders from the regions (25 Feb – 8 March 2019).
Over the last years, GHR opened successfully this Geneva Course to interns from Permanent Missions in Geneva attending the session of the Council. The classes take place every morning. In the afternoon, the interns join their NGO-Permanent Missions to attend the session of the Human Rights Council.
Our Course is a unique intensive and interactive training of trainers, combining the theory, the exchanges of experience between participants (thematic and countries situations) and the exposure to the diplomatic reality.
For interns of NGOs or Permament Mission attending the 40th session of the HR-Council, there are no registration fees.
We request a participation fee of 105.- CHF (dinners, documentation kit, …).
Documents to download:
Presentation 44th Geneva Course (25 February – 8 March 2019)
Programme Geneva Course GSC-44 (25 February – 8 March 2019)