On the occasion of the 54th session of the UN Human Rights Council, gva4hr conducted it’s 54th ‘Course on the Human Rights Council, international human rights and humanitarian law, international procedures and diplomacy’, from Monday 18 September to Wednesday 4 October 2023, during the 54th session of the UN Human […]
HR Policies
Geneva for Human Rights’ trainers have been invited to share a lunch seminar at the Lucerne Academy for Human Rights Implementation with a group of students, practitioners, civil servants and advocates. The Lucerne Academy for Human Rights Implementation is a worldwide 2-week programme of coursework and hands-on learning for law […]
Side Event at the 53rd session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) Universality has been a key international human rights law principle since it was enshrined in the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. On the occasion of UDHR’s 75th anniversary and the Vienna Declaration and Program […]
National mechanisms for implementation, reporting and follow-up (NMIRFs) One-day seminar- 23 June 2023 Hybrid/Geneva The one-day seminar foreseen for 2023 by HRC resolution 51/33 will take place in Geneva on 23 June 2023 in room XVII in Palais des Nations, during the Human Rights Council 53rd session, and in a hybrid […]
Expert Seminar on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Geneva for Human Rights Summary To mark its 20th Anniversary, Geneva for Human Rights (GHR) convenes its 41st Expert Seminar on Wednesday 21 June 2023, from 15:00 to 18:00, in the Salle Communale de Plainpalais, Geneva. Theme of the Seminar will […]
Summary GHR convenes an Expert Seminar to reflect on the vital role of NGOs in building the United Nations (UN) human rights system, and to plan and strategise on how to safeguard and strengthen their engagement and ensure that the international system is relevant, accessible, responsive and effective for rights […]
The Protection Roles of Human Rights NGOs Essays in Honour of Adrien-Claude Zoller Series: International Studies in Human Rights, Volume: 140 Volume Editors: Bertrand Ramcharan , Rachel Brett, Ann Marie Clark, and Penny Parker. This book focuses, for the first time ever, on the protection roles of human rights NGOs since the establishment of […]
On the occasion of the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council , Geneva for Human Rights convenes its 53rd (hybrid) Geneva Course for defenders and practitioners: Registration: info@gdh-ghr.org; On-line participation: link will be sent to selected trainees. In-person participation: GHR premises (150 Rte de Ferney, 1218 Grand Saconnex, […]
OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang 2022-08-31 OHCHR China – HR concerns in the Xinjiang UAR assesment 2022-08 OHCHR China – China’s state response to the assessment GENEVA (31 August 2022) – The UN Human Rights Office today issued an assessment of human rights concerns in […]
Link to Papua in OHCHR News – 2022-03-01 * The experts: Francisco Cali Tzay, Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, Morris Tidball-Binz, Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Cecilia Jimenez-Damary, Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons. GENEVA (1 March 2022) – UN human rights […]
On the occasion of the 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council – 51st Training course for defenders from the regions ‘Course on the Human Rights Council, international human rights and humanitarian law, international procedures and diplomacy’ […]
Equality is at the heart of human rights Human Rights Day – 10 December 2021 UN Web Page of Human Rights Day Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet GENEVA (9 December 2021) – “The past two years have demonstrated, all too painfully, the intolerable cost of […]
1. AIMS AND PROGRAMME OF THE EXPERT SEMINAR The Expert Seminar of 24 November 2021 aims at highlighting the remarkable work realized by the CED and the WGEID under difficult circumstances, and at reviewing new challenges in the field of enforced disappearance, such as disappearances in the context of […]
Obstetric fistula, the result of obstructed labour without timely medical intervention, is a devastating and debilitating preventable childbirth injury. The traumatising impact of obstetric fistula on women and girls has long been severely neglected in human development policy, planning and implementation. This webinar will explore the experiences and challenges of […]
Geneva for Human Rights aims at supporting the work of Human Rights Defenders. Implementation in the countries and follow-up of the UN Human Rights decisions, resolutions, communications and documentation remains an important part of our work. In december 2021, GHR will open it’s virtual offices in several countries in the […]
In 2023, our two rounds of volunteering/internships run respectively: Winter-Spring 2023 (from 20 February to 7 July 2023 and Fall 2023 (from 4 September to 1 December 2023). The Human Rights Policy Studies Department permanently has a multidisciplinary and international team. GHR recruits non-paid interns and welcome applications from students and graduates in international relations, international law, […]
On the occasion of the 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council , 51st training course for defenders from the regions. ‘Course on the Human Rights Council, international human rights and humanitarian law, international procedures and diplomacy’ Hybrid Course, 7 to 23 March 2022 Registration: info@gdh-ghr.org; On-line participation: link […]
GHR convenes its 6th Expert Seminar on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights. Thursday 15 July 2021 – from 11:00 to 14:00 CEST Registration : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tc-utqjwjE9faJ5w0XVR_p_BsdTaq_lPlPassword: GHR-GSS-37 Please find hereunder the list of invited speakers and panellists: Prof. B. RAMCHARAN,GUY, Former High Commissioner for HRMr. Joshua COOPPER, USA, Hawaï Institute for HRMr. Adrien-Claude […]
The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution that calls for blocking the flow of arms into Myanmar, among other steps to resolve the crisis following the Feb. 1 situation. The resolution, proposed by Liechtenstein and hardly negotiated calls for the return of democracy, the release of civilian leaders […]
GHR is a training and policies studies organisation. We aim at empowering human rights defenders, analyse trends, study policies and supports national and regional strategies. We are convening a training on the Human Rights Council and its 47th session. We welcome young and experienced academics, practitioners and human rights defenders […]
In 2021, our second round of volunteer internships runs in Fall 2021: from 6 September to 3 December 2021. The Human Rights Policy Studies Department permanently has a multidisciplinary and international team. GHR recruits non-paid interns and welcome applications from students and graduates in international relations, international law, human rights, political science and […]
Dear Sir/Madam, In preparation of the next session of the Committee on Enforced Disappearances (session 21 to be held from 13 to 24 September 2021), please find attached an information note for victims, civil society actors and National Human Rights Institutions as to the way to contribute to the work […]
On the occasion of the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council 49th Training course for defenders from the regions ‘Course on the Human Rights Council, international human rights and humanitarian law, international procedures and diplomacy’ (Online Course, 22 February to 10 March 2021) Geneva for Human Rights – […]
From 30 November to 4 December 2020, Geneva for Human Rights (GHR) conducts its 48th Geneva Course for human rights defenders on ‘Mechanisms of the UN Human Rights Council (Forums 2020 and EMRIP)’ We are happy to offer training places on our next Geneva Course for defenders entitled ‘Mechanisms of […]
Dear friends, Thank you for so many reactions to our 24 March Message of solidarity, commitment and hope in these global health and economic crises ! As a training organisation, GHR wishes to continue contributing to the reflection on the dramatic human rights impacts of Covid-19. We received many feed-backs […]
24 April 2020 Dear friends, Last 24 March 2020, in view of the spread of Covid-19, Geneva for Human Rights (GHR) addressed the human rights movement a message of solidarity, commitment and hope. We received many feed-backs and reports on the worsening human rights situation in all the regions. Unfortunately, […]
Dear friends, Thank you for so many reactions to our 24 March Message of solidarity, commitment and hope in these global health and economic crises ! As a training organisation, GHR wishes to continue contributing to the reflection on the dramatic human rights impacts of Covid-19. The present edition of […]
by Penny Parker [1] Several treaty bodies have already issued Covid-19 statements. It makes sense that government responses to the coronavirus pandemic should now be taken up by the human rights treaty body system. The state reporting function of the treaty bodies is especially well suited for this task. Here’s […]
GENEVA (24 March 2020) – The Chairpersons of the 10 UN Treaty Bodies on Tuesday urged global leaders to ensure that human rights are respected in government measures to tackle the public health threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. “Only by including all people in COVID-19 strategies can the pandemic […]
COVID-19 pandemic – Informal briefing to the Human Rights Council – Statement by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights 9 April 2020 Madam President, Excellencies, Colleagues and Friends, Indeed this is an important meeting, at a time that none of us may ever forget. The COVID-19 pandemic is […]
Since the beginning of the pandemic, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Michelle Bachelet, assumes a leadership in this crisis. She already addressed an appeal at the Human Rights Council. On 6 March 2020, she urged Member States to protect the ‘society’s most vulnerable citizens from the health threat […]
Uma crise global volátil e imprevisível, mas provavelmente de longa duração, começou. Em todas as regiões, ela é já está a mudar as nossas vidas, por vezes de forma abrupta. As próximas semanas e meses serão difíceis para muitos de nós. Vai levar tempo, mas nós vamos superar! Como uma […]
During the 43rd session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva (from 24 February to 20 March 2020), the coronavirus rapidly spread in Europe. At the beginning of the second week of the Council, in her letter to the Council dated 2 March, Ms. Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General of the […]
COVID-19 – Main recent public statements from Geneva-based officials and bodies. Before suspending its 43rd session because of Covid-19 crisis, the Human Rights Council adopted the proposals of its Chairperson, Austrian Ambassador, Ms. Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger, and appointed the following 19 experts. Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development • member from […]
COVID-19 Main recent public statements from Geneva-based officials and bodies. (UNNews – 18 March 2020) As dire forecasts about the global economy add to the anxiety surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN’s labour agency (ILO) on Thursday offered a range of urgent measures, which, if governments act quickly, can help to […]
COVID-19 – Main recent public statements from Geneva-based officials and bodies. (OHCHR, Geneva / Washington / Vienna, 19 March 2020) In light of the growing disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the monitors for freedom of expression and freedom of the media for the United Nations, the Inter-American Commission for Human […]
COVID-19 – Main recent public statements from Geneva-based officials and bodies. (OHCHR News, Geneva, 16 March 2020) UN human rights experts* today urged States to avoid overreach of security measures in their response to the coronavirus outbreak and reminded them that emergency powers should not be used to quash dissent. “While […]
COVID-19 – Main recent public statements from Geneva-based officials and bodies. (UN News – 6 March 2020) As the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to spread globally, the UN’s top human rights official appealed on Friday to put rights “front and centre” when implementing preventative measures. Liz Throssell, spokesperson in the Office of the […]
Une crise globale volatile, imprévisible, mais sans doute de longue durée, a commencé. Dans toutes les régions, elle change déjà nos vies, parfois de façon abrupte. Les semaines et mois qui viennent seront difficiles pour nombre d’entre nous. Mais nous y ferons face ! Organisation de défense des droits humains, […]
Ha comenzado una crisis global volátil, impredecible, pero seguramente duradera. En todas las regiones del mundo, nuestras vidas están cambiando, en ocasiones de manera abrupta. Las próximas semanas y meses serán difíciles para muchos de nosotros. Nos tomará tiempo, pero juntos lo superaremos. Como organización de derechos humanos, Ginebra para […]
Разразился изменчивый, непредсказуемый, но, вероятнее всего, продолжительный по времени глобальный кризис. Во всех регионах мира он уже меняет нашу жизнь, иногда очень резко. Ближайшие недели и месяцы будут трудными для многих из нас. И всё же, пусть и не сразу, но мы победим! Как правозащитная организация, “Женева за права человека” […]
A volatile, unpredictable, but probably long-lasting global crisis has started. In all regions, it is already changing our lives, sometimes abruptly. The coming weeks and months will be difficult for many of us. It will take time, but we shall overcome ! As a human rights organisation, Geneva for Human […]
Human Rights Year 2019 – Foreword Annual Report 2020 Over the last 75 years, the United Nations adopted many human rights instruments, principles, declarations, conventions, and created dozens of monitoring mechanisms and procedures. But on the spot, victims, witnesses, human rights defenders and organisations continue to face massive abuses. There […]
#Standup4humanrights – #HumanRightsDay 2019 Theme: Youth Standing Up for Human Rights The United Nations is highlighting the role of young people in leading the way to a better future for all people for this year’s observance of Human Rights Day, celebrated on Tuesday. Written Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet After a year […]
In July 2019, GHR denounced at the Human Rights Council the ongoing military intervention Indonesia launched in December 2018) in the region of Nduga, in the Highlands of Papua, causing the death of dozens civilians and the displacement of several thousand Papuans, left in the cold without humanitarian assistance. Two […]
From 9 to 20 September 2019, 24 defenders attended GHR 45th Geneva Course for defenders from the regions. The Course took place during the first two weeks of the 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council (9 – 27 September 2019). The 45th Geneva Course of GHR ‘on the […]
Key Note Address by Pr. Bertrand RAMCHARAN , (former acting High Commissioner on HR 2003-2004) Followed by an Expert Panel Concept Note and Outline available on demand at : info@gdh-ghr.org Workshop on human rights in the 75th year of the UN and the future of the UN Special Procedures (Draft […]
” While we acknowledge the complexities of the situation in Papua, we are troubled by the crackdown over peaceful demonstrations and increasing reports of excessive use of force by security forces, harassment, arbitrary arrests and detentions in Papua, including harassment and threats to lawyers working on these cases. ” OHCHR […]
Security officials on alert ahead of anniversary of Papuan independence movement on December 1; heightened security presence and associated disruptions expected. Event Local police officials in Papua have reportedly warned individuals of possible security threats to gold and copper mining sites ahead of the founding anniversary of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) […]
as support for our Alumni (formers Intern and Fellowship Program members and GSC trainees from the Regions. UN Careers and Job Openings