In 2021, our second round of volunteer internships runs in Fall 2021: from 6 September to 3 December 2021. The Human Rights Policy Studies Department permanently has a multidisciplinary and international team. GHR recruits non-paid interns and welcome applications from students and graduates in international relations, international law, human rights, political science and […]
Monthly Archives: May 2021
Dear Sir/Madam, In preparation of the next session of the Committee on Enforced Disappearances (session 21 to be held from 13 to 24 September 2021), please find attached an information note for victims, civil society actors and National Human Rights Institutions as to the way to contribute to the work […]
“The International Spokesperson for the West Papua National Committee,Victor Yeimo, called for the Papuan and non-Papuan people who live sideby side not to be provoked by provocations that lead to horizontal conflicts. Victor Yeimo said, nowadays there are efforts to divert the democratic actions ofthe Papuan people against the Indonesian […]
“Intimidation and reprisals affect not only the individuals and groups directly impacted, but are alarming also for the message they send to other actors and individuals, whether from government or civil society, who wish to engage with the United Nations and express their views freely.” — Secretary-General António Guterres, (A/HRC/39/41, […]