Outline – Internship Programme – Spring 2024 Through training, study and protection, GHR aims to bridge the gaps between international standards and realities and to empower all those involved in the promotion and protection of human rights. Geneva for Human Rights – Global Training & Policy Studies (gva4HR/GHR) and its Human Rights Policy […]
Geneva for Human Rights aims at supporting the work of Human Rights Defenders. Implementation in the countries and follow-up of the UN Human Rights decisions, resolutions, communications and documentation remains an important part of our work. In december 2021, GHR will open it’s virtual offices in several countries in the […]
In 2023, our two rounds of volunteering/internships run respectively: Winter-Spring 2023 (from 20 February to 7 July 2023 and Fall 2023 (from 4 September to 1 December 2023). The Human Rights Policy Studies Department permanently has a multidisciplinary and international team. GHR recruits non-paid interns and welcome applications from students and graduates in international relations, international law, […]
In 2021, our second round of volunteer internships runs in Fall 2021: from 6 September to 3 December 2021. The Human Rights Policy Studies Department permanently has a multidisciplinary and international team. GHR recruits non-paid interns and welcome applications from students and graduates in international relations, international law, human rights, political science and […]
by Penny Parker [1] Several treaty bodies have already issued Covid-19 statements. It makes sense that government responses to the coronavirus pandemic should now be taken up by the human rights treaty body system. The state reporting function of the treaty bodies is especially well suited for this task. Here’s […]
COVID-19 pandemic – Informal briefing to the Human Rights Council – Statement by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights 9 April 2020 Madam President, Excellencies, Colleagues and Friends, Indeed this is an important meeting, at a time that none of us may ever forget. The COVID-19 pandemic is […]
Since the beginning of the pandemic, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Michelle Bachelet, assumes a leadership in this crisis. She already addressed an appeal at the Human Rights Council. On 6 March 2020, she urged Member States to protect the ‘society’s most vulnerable citizens from the health threat […]
During the 43rd session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva (from 24 February to 20 March 2020), the coronavirus rapidly spread in Europe. At the beginning of the second week of the Council, in her letter to the Council dated 2 March, Ms. Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General of the […]
COVID-19 Main recent public statements from Geneva-based officials and bodies. (UNNews – 18 March 2020) As dire forecasts about the global economy add to the anxiety surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN’s labour agency (ILO) on Thursday offered a range of urgent measures, which, if governments act quickly, can help to […]
COVID-19 – Main recent public statements from Geneva-based officials and bodies. (OHCHR, Geneva / Washington / Vienna, 19 March 2020) In light of the growing disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the monitors for freedom of expression and freedom of the media for the United Nations, the Inter-American Commission for Human […]
COVID-19 – Main recent public statements from Geneva-based officials and bodies. (OHCHR News, Geneva, 16 March 2020) UN human rights experts* today urged States to avoid overreach of security measures in their response to the coronavirus outbreak and reminded them that emergency powers should not be used to quash dissent. “While […]
COVID-19 – Main recent public statements from Geneva-based officials and bodies. (UN News – 6 March 2020) As the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to spread globally, the UN’s top human rights official appealed on Friday to put rights “front and centre” when implementing preventative measures. Liz Throssell, spokesperson in the Office of the […]
Une crise globale volatile, imprévisible, mais sans doute de longue durée, a commencé. Dans toutes les régions, elle change déjà nos vies, parfois de façon abrupte. Les semaines et mois qui viennent seront difficiles pour nombre d’entre nous. Mais nous y ferons face ! Organisation de défense des droits humains, […]
Ha comenzado una crisis global volátil, impredecible, pero seguramente duradera. En todas las regiones del mundo, nuestras vidas están cambiando, en ocasiones de manera abrupta. Las próximas semanas y meses serán difíciles para muchos de nosotros. Nos tomará tiempo, pero juntos lo superaremos. Como organización de derechos humanos, Ginebra para […]
Разразился изменчивый, непредсказуемый, но, вероятнее всего, продолжительный по времени глобальный кризис. Во всех регионах мира он уже меняет нашу жизнь, иногда очень резко. Ближайшие недели и месяцы будут трудными для многих из нас. И всё же, пусть и не сразу, но мы победим! Как правозащитная организация, “Женева за права человека” […]
A volatile, unpredictable, but probably long-lasting global crisis has started. In all regions, it is already changing our lives, sometimes abruptly. The coming weeks and months will be difficult for many of us. It will take time, but we shall overcome ! As a human rights organisation, Geneva for Human […]
From 9 to 20 September 2019, 24 defenders attended GHR 45th Geneva Course for defenders from the regions. The Course took place during the first two weeks of the 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council (9 – 27 September 2019). The 45th Geneva Course of GHR ‘on the […]
On 17 October 2019, the UN General Assembly elected by secret ballot the following member States to the UN Human Rights Council: Libya, Mauritania, Namibia and Sudan (Africa), Indonesia, Japan, Marshall Islands and South Korea (Asia-Pacific), Armenia and Poland (Eastern Europe), Venezuela and Brazil (Latin America and Caribbean), Germany and […]
Key Note Address by Pr. Bertrand RAMCHARAN , (former acting High Commissioner on HR 2003-2004) Followed by an Expert Panel Concept Note and Outline available on demand at : info@gdh-ghr.org Workshop on human rights in the 75th year of the UN and the future of the UN Special Procedures (Draft […]
Geneva for Human Rights – Global Training (GHR) is an International Association under Swiss law, Through training, study and advocacy, GHR empowers and strengthens the work of all those involved in the promotion and protection of human rights, in particular human rights NGOs and defenders. Our main activity is our […]