Dear friends, Thank you for so many reactions to our 24 March Message of solidarity, commitment and hope in these global health and economic crises ! As a training organisation, GHR wishes to continue contributing to the reflection on the dramatic human rights impacts of Covid-19. We received many feed-backs […]
Monthly Archives: April 2020
24 April 2020 Dear friends, Last 24 March 2020, in view of the spread of Covid-19, Geneva for Human Rights (GHR) addressed the human rights movement a message of solidarity, commitment and hope. We received many feed-backs and reports on the worsening human rights situation in all the regions. Unfortunately, […]
Dear friends, Thank you for so many reactions to our 24 March Message of solidarity, commitment and hope in these global health and economic crises ! As a training organisation, GHR wishes to continue contributing to the reflection on the dramatic human rights impacts of Covid-19. The present edition of […]
UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) 6 April 2020 The global reach of the COVID-19 virus affects us all, but some groups will suffer disproportionately and in different ways. Indigenous peoples are such a group. Many indigenous peoples live in remote regions difficult to access and […]
Statement of 17 mandate holders (16 March) [1] ‘While we recognize the severity of the current health crisis and acknowledge that the use of emergency powers is allowed by international law in response to significant threats, we urgently remind States that any emergency responses to the coronavirus must be proportionate, […]
by Penny Parker [1] Several treaty bodies have already issued Covid-19 statements. It makes sense that government responses to the coronavirus pandemic should now be taken up by the human rights treaty body system. The state reporting function of the treaty bodies is especially well suited for this task. Here’s […]
GENEVA (24 March 2020) – The Chairpersons of the 10 UN Treaty Bodies on Tuesday urged global leaders to ensure that human rights are respected in government measures to tackle the public health threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. “Only by including all people in COVID-19 strategies can the pandemic […]
COVID-19 pandemic – Informal briefing to the Human Rights Council – Statement by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights 9 April 2020 Madam President, Excellencies, Colleagues and Friends, Indeed this is an important meeting, at a time that none of us may ever forget. The COVID-19 pandemic is […]
Since the beginning of the pandemic, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Michelle Bachelet, assumes a leadership in this crisis. She already addressed an appeal at the Human Rights Council. On 6 March 2020, she urged Member States to protect the ‘society’s most vulnerable citizens from the health threat […]